Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sacred Moment, uh, Tuesday.

I am housesitting this week without internet. Kinda nice being somewhat unplugged (darn iphone!)

It’s so wonderful what getting away from your usual surroundings can open up. As much as I’ve worked to make my surroundings at home inviting and warm, sometimes just the nature of being in your house, with your things, and your stuff that needs sorting out, wears on you. Right?

So coming to my aunt and uncle's place in downtown SLO is a welcome respite.  They live in an adorable cottage that's probably 100 years old but fully upgraded. So special!

I share my aunt’s love of beauty and creating cozy surroundings.  It’s a true gift to be able to show up here, with a house all to myself...scratch that. This pooch is my little companion.
Yesterday I was doing some of my housesitting tasks and this lovely little sacred moment opened up.  

I was watering the plants and yard and a quiet moment of peace and comfort opened up. A ordinary task opened up my awareness of the need for replenishment and play. The necessity for my soul to be still, unwind, create quiet.  In this always plugged in world, distractions and the urgent abound.  To unplug means accepting I am not alway the answer.  

I think a lot of the time when space opens up we are tempted to want to fill it with something, but the more I grow in kingdom living where up is down and down is up, I realize the tyranny of the urgent often distracts and keeps me from the important.  Often my self importance drives me to do-do-do rather than be-be-be.  

When I’m present to myself and my surroundings, my awareness of God all around me opens up.  I have eyes to see and ears to hear. It is there that I become a responder to life and those around me, rather than a reactor and fixer.
So let me ask you, what are some ways this week you can make an intention to slow down, do a rather monotonous task, yet create space to let Jesus speak to you there? Be with you there. Restore your soul.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a poem I wrote some years ago. In this poem I wrote Jesus said to me when I was feeing useless............

"Just being's all right!"

I am glad you are enjoying your change of scene.


Anonymous said...

Nice photos and springtime musings. Coco seems to like
your company! Love, Dad