Each of the images a part of the Story. His story. My story. The lineage of
f a i t h.
And this week, I need to remember. I must remember the g r e a t e r
s t o r y. For without it, I want what I want and have no regard for the greater good, the cost for my life, the gift in the offering of my trust.
For my feeble faith builds, e x p a n d s as I allow my heart to wander back into God's redemptive story. His great plan and provision.
I M M A N U E L-- G o d w i t h U S !
I cut around Noah's arc, remembering that sometimes God asks us to do things that may be ridiculed or questioned, stepping into things that go against our logic or desire, for a greater good.
I edge round Joseph's coat, the many colors splattered in blood. Reminded that sometimes things aren't as they seem, and a greater m i r a c l e is unfolding amidst the trial. Intended harm worked for good by God.
The scissors carefully cut round the ram of Abraham. Drawing me back to God's fierce desire that I trust him above all else, even when he asks me to approach the sacred altar with my most cherished possession.
And day by day, each one is added. The tree beginning to fill and tell of God's involvement.
God's involvement.
Deep involvement.
Turn the world u p s i d e d o w n involvement.
Turn my life upside down.
And I wonder, Will I let Him turn my world even more upside down? Do the thing he most wants to do in my life? Whatever the cost? However foolish I may feel?
Will I l o v e with great audacity like the One who l o v e s me?
The One born in a lowly manger, the King of Kings, humbled and dependent.
Will I take my place in the story?
One by one, I continue to hang them, reminded that faith builds,
e x p a n d s over time. I am grafted into the vine, this little branch, strengthening and budding ever so slowly to tell His story, in me. Inviting others to hang the ornament of their life on that sacred tree.
A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—
3 and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11: 1,2)
1 comment:
The air is filled with anticipation and the holiday spirit.
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