Friday, July 26, 2013

Celebration Friday

This week I'm celebrating...

A Tuesday off to go to Avila Beach with these cuties!

Does one ever outgrow the swings? I think not!
And howz about this looker? Oh dear me, look out ladies. I just loved this pic of my nephew. It truly captured his spirit.
How much do I l o v e flowers in the home?  They just brighten everything up. And the giver of this pretty bunch is the real g i f t in my life.

Then, of course, no week is complete with out some silly things at the thrift shop.

This weekend it's off to see a local production of Les Miserables, which is a total mid-summer treat! I'm sure to be singing all week long....

Well here's to sun-kissed skin, kiddo cuddles, pretty buds, lingering nights, and making memories. Memories that grow us, change us, fill us, and draw us nearer to the center of the Father, Son, and Spirit. For all of it is His generosity to begin with and all of it His j o y. Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That hat looks very alluring on you!