Thursday, July 29, 2010

To KILL a Mockingbird

Yea, don't oooo and ahhhh at the cute little birdy.  Good riddens!

For weeks now right around dinner time, let's call her Maggie the Mockingbird, taunts, scrutinizes, and discriminately gocks at our poor little neighborhood cat, Olive

Little "Olive" (as we like to call her, we don't know her real name) makes her way around our house about once a day.  I assume her owners are somewhere nearby?  But there's something about her demeanor that begs the question, "Are you loved?"

She lingers around and quietly makes her way near me and something about this little thing beckons me, "Acknowledge her."

Now I am not a cat lover, but little Olive has won her way into my heart.

And that is why I am indignant at this Maggie the Mockingbird and her taunting.  I wish I had a video of it for you.  She just sort of hovers around Olive, finds a tree limb nearby, and cackles "Goooooooock!  Goooooock! Mwwwwwaaaaa!  Gooooock!!! Mwwwwwwaaaaa!!!"  

How does poor little Olive ever find rest or reprieve with all that obnoxious chatter!?

And so today, I HAD FINALLY HAD IT!  When I got home from my walk and saw this interaction happening yet again, I sauntered over to that tree branch and yelled, "STOP IT!  Leave her alone.  You cannot torment her like this anymore!"  (I even claimed it in the name of Jesus I was so rowelled up!)

And then I went over to little cowering Olive and said, "Now Olive you can't let her treat you like this!  This is not OK.  Fight back girl!"

Now, moments later as I type, I notice the mocking has finally quieted.  I do hope Maggie has flown far, far away never to return (but sadly I'm guessing she will, tomorrow, at just the right time). And I wonder now about Olive, why day after day she lets Maggie attack her?  How a big cat like her can be taunted by such a punitive little bird? I wonder about her life at home and what she's seen and heard since she was a kitty.  What are her owners like? Do they feed her well, rub her belly, and cuddle up against her in the wee hours of the night? Or is she used to the cackling, feeling small and neglected?

And then things becomes clear.

Really clear.

Olive is not unlike you and I.

Why day after day do we listen to the mocking voices in our head? Agree with them? Why do we again and again cower in fear and agree with the gocking lies of the enemy? Why we don't rise up and take our place?

But as I think about it more and how I felt about Olive I realize how we too need our advocates. Someone (most the time more than one) who steps in the gap and says NO MORE! Who fights for us to prevail and not let the Mockingbird win! Who exposes the distortions, puts the punitive bird in it's proper place, and ushers our hearts home to their rightful place nestled with Him.

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we[c] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. (Ephesians 6: 10-13)

For all you Olives, you are not alone. Take your place. Let's stand! We can do this together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's continue to fight back hard... but perhaps not go so far as to Kill A Mockingbird. XOXO Tuned In