Monday, October 15, 2012

Sacred Moment Mondays

Have you ever been walking, driving, or in the middle of a conversation when suddenly the sacred and the ordinary collide to make a "sacred moment?" An unexpected window into truth, beauty, freedom, love---in other words Jesus' Kingdom among us?  

Well, the other day on my morning walk as I passed by the usual houses and neighborhoods I'm used to seeing, something in my spirit quietly jolted looking on this tree. I paused to take a picture on my phone.  What was it?

Was it the delicate, fan shaped leaves rustling in the breeze?  The way the light pierced through?  For a moment it was as if those leaves began jingling, laughing, singing, rejoicing and I caught them in the act. Eagerly anticipating....waiting....celebrating....the children of God being revealed.

This passage from Romans came to the forefront of my mind, "For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed"  (Romans 8:19). 

Can you believe it?  Creation is waiting. For you. For him. For her. Delighting that new life is being birthed! Christ's life in you and me. Lives being reconciled to God and worshiping their Creator. 

"Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness." (Psalm 96:13).

And, that my friends, was my sacred moment.  The divine in the ordinary.  

This is the first post of many called "Sacred Moment Mondays." It will be a great way for us to start our weeks together and anticipate seeing Jesus among us.

So let me ask you, where have you recently had a sacred moment? 

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