Friday, November 2, 2012

Celebration Friday

I  L O V E Halloween! I love the mystical, magical, whimsy of it all!  And with these adorable kiddos how could you not?
Goin' bananas over this little fella!

Wild fairy, wise Yoda, strong Captain America

Silly Yoda & Playful piggy

And let's be honest it gives me and my family a reason to p l a y !
Princess Leia, Master Jedi, and Lil' Yoda

Practically perfect in every way (ha!), Mary Poppins

Queen Mum and The Odyssey

Today we celebrate imagination, make-believe, and, last but certainly not least, C A N D Y !


Anonymous said...

What wonderful costumes everyone had this year!
Your Mary Poppins must be used again some day!
You looked fabulous! RCS

Anonymous said...

Thanks for those photos. Everyone looked good!
Mum (Nana)