Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Reflective Wednesday: Well H e l l o again!

Have you ever just needed to take a hiatus?

I did.

June, July, and August were F U L L!

All I can say is this summer has been somethin'! Somethin' w o n d e r f u l, sacred, disorienting, beautiful, unexpected, holy, transitional....not sure there are enough adjectives to uncover it all.

The one word that seems to touch it most accurately is this: G I F T.
At the end of a wonderful birthday week in June, being loved on and generously given to by family and friends, God seemed to say, "Honey, they did a great job loving on you but there's just one last gift.  I think you'll like it. You see, I've been holding on to it for quite some time. I am bursting with excitement to finally give it, rather him, to you."

Oh, this gift! The Giver knows me well! How precious to slowly unwrap the stories--the twists and turns that have lead to this time, this place, this generous season of being given to!

But here's the thing. I am the gift too! I am being given to and given out. And what a tender and beautiful thing to live in and dwell in that reality with someone.

So I wanted you, the ones who have followed my unfolding journey with God, to celebrate and share in our j o y. I don't know exactly where our story is headed only that the Giver is g o o d. It's risky to put this out there to all of you, yet it feels odd that I wouldn't considering so much of what I write about regards singleness and the vulnerability of waiting.

So whatever unfolds, whatever wrappings are uncovered and revealed, it's all for His glory and our joy. I am savoring this time, this season, the moments, and the unfolding layers that are revealing themselves each step of the way. And so is he....

Thank you, Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back and congratulations on your wonderful
blessings. This is looking like a great autumn. Love, RCS