Monday, November 18, 2013

Sacred Moment Monday

she settles in, this season's turning leaf

rustling, fiery, clustered, they fall

cascading slowly brilliance abounds

the beauty in the quiet, the softness of her rest

the laying down, this season's cycle

the natural unfolding, her november

vibrancy and strength her solid trunk

gives way to frailty, her morning dew

the wind blows this way and that

leaves gently falling one by one

letting go of this and that

trusting the cycle, flowing with the wind

the winter upon her, her deeper rooting begins

vibrancy wilting though it may seem

a new morning dawning

g r a c e for the tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that photo of the rain splashed street and tree... We had a very nice time on Sunday. Thanks.

With love, Dad