Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sacred Moment, Sacred Season, Sacred Reflections, Sacred Celebration....Life is just, well, super sacred! OR The Blog I'm FINALLY Writing...

Whew! Yowzers! How do I even begin? One. Word. After. The. Other.

It was sacred....holy....other.... the wedding of course! I'm not the same, marriage has changed me, this sacred covenant I've entered leaves me the same but different. Marriage is holy other.  Susie Shaw has gone, at least the way she once was, and a whole new life has begun. A new life that is just beginning to peak out of the cocoon. For newlyweds seem to cocoon for a bit, at least we have.

The question is how do I pick up this blog where I left off? How do I bring you into the last months of my life? Truth is, I'm not sure I can. I can only begin to tell the story, type the words, wrestle with this new reality, and in faith believe l i f e is going forth. T r u t h will illuminate the page. The the  s a c r e d will be celebrated joyfully and authentically. And you and I will be better for it.

The best way I know how to accomplish this is t h a n k s g i v i n g ! To tell, to name, and to remember the life-givers who encircled Mr. F and I on our most holy of days and those who continue to breathe life from above into us now as husband and wife.

"There is no j o y without g r a t i t u d e." ~ Brene Brown

The first person to begin with in this g r a t i t u d e series is our talented, artistic-eyed, generous and gracious photographer Shannon Moore.

I worked with Shannon at Starbucks when I first moved back to the Central Coast. She was a young mom balancing being a wife, mother, barista, and photographer. We both eventually left Starbucks for other opportunities but I kept up with Shannon's budding career cause the girl had talent!

Fast forward to our upcoming nuptials (and a wedding on a tight budget). I thought, "Don't be afraid to ask, you never know? Move through the fear, and just give it a go...."

She said YES! Not just yes but a giddy, I'm so excited, thanks for asking me kind-of YES!

Shannon was not only the perfect balance of personable and professional but she had that 'thing," that thing that takes someone from good "status quo" to great. She didn't interfere or frustrate attendants the way unfortunately some events can go. Rather, Shannon lead quietly. Don't get me wrong she instructed and guided our crew, but she was so incredibly gracious and on-it there wasn't time to worry things weren't going to work out.  Shannon's combination of giftedness comes from her ability to lead the wedding party into getting the desired shots and the trained eye to capture moments and special touches without needing to be told.

We were a w e d when we got our proofs. She not only captured our requested shots, she captured the sacredness of our day....
See the expectation on that gorgeous man's face? See the fullness of joy in that bride's eyes and her dad's confident assurance of entrusting her to him?
I've never felt more present and aware of the holy than during my wedding ceremony. Heaven came crashing down and Jesus' proclamation that the kingdom of God was among us never felt more true!
One of my favorites is that shot of me on the right looking off with pure delight!
 Oh, that dress! Look at him show me off!?

And Shannon said YES to being the vessel, the eyes and hands, capturing the sacred! It's just what she does. It's just who she is. An instrument of God, living and moving about humbly and willingly in the everyday.
For a more up close look, there are many more pictures on her blog and I encourage you to head over and enjoy sharing in more of our special day!

So, Shannon, from the bottom of our heart The Fitlers thank you!


Shannon Moore | Plum Jam Photography said...

Susie & Rob,

I am in tears. You two are such a blessing to me, and I have been forever changed by my experience photographing your wedding. You are a true reflection of the Lord's love and hand in our lives, and I am forever thankful to you both for letting me see that.

Anonymous said...

It was a beautiful ceremony. Congratulations and welcome back! We love you. Dad and Mum