Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Reflective Wednesday, What I Learned in July

I'm linking up again with Emily over at Chatting at the Sky for What I Learned in July.

Folks, I learned a  l o t in July! So let's begin.

1) There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.  I ate out like crazy for my birthday week and vacation in Tahoe. By mid-July all I wanted was greens, smoothies, and a little protein.

2) Age is relative when it comes to two people connecting.  The storylines and experiences of our lives are what draw us to one another. Margaret who I call my "adopted Grandma" blesses me so much.  Her wisdom, quirkiness, and life experiences ooze Christ and the beauty of being a life long learner.
3) Miss Homebody actually enjoys adventures outdoors!? Yup, with the right company hiking, biking, rafting, and frolicking about outside brings me lots of pleasure and j o y. Now I am always gonna love watching a movie, going out to eat or to the theatre, laying out at the beach or pool, however trekking out somewhere new, exploring new terrain, and enjoying another's company in the midst really has it's place in my life. I want to be more intentional about making space for the great outdoors as they say.

4) I learned that Royal Moms and Dads are just like us and have to endure labor of babies and labor of life. The human experience has so many universal themes. We are never alone in our joy and our suffering.

5) I learned yet again that I have the weirdest tanning body ever! Yup, my legs which got sunburned in mid-June have continued to darken in ridiculous splotches that have become a camouflage of sorts on my shins. Argh! If any sunblock company needs a spokesperson for how well your product works, I'm your gal. One spot missed and it's a blotchy, darkened spot the whole summer...oi vey! 

6) Summer movies are, well, not that great this summer. Boo!

7) Life is meant to be shared. This is not a new theme rather an expanding one. I think back to 2005 when God gave me Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 as my year verse:

Two are better than one,

    because they have a good return for their labor:

If either of them falls down,

    one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls

    and has no one to help them up.

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.

    But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered,

    two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

My heart, of course, surely hoped this would be the year of meeting a special someone. Instead it meant deepening relationships with my friends, ministry team, community, family, and housemates.  It was learning more about doing life together, sharing Christ, breaking bread, holding each other's pains and sorrows, lifting up and celebrating our joys and victories. 
But in July, God has opened a new chapter for me. A beautiful, sacred, perfectly timed gift placed on each of our laps.  For if life is meant to be shared, we are both the giver and receiver of each other. How tender and holy to know not only is my life meant to be given away and spilled out in Christ but God prepares and gives of another to fill, touch, and heal us. It's mutual. And, oh so good!

So, yes, I've met someone! (if you were wondering about last weeks flowers). And I don't know how much I'll share here but how could I not tell you of my j o y ? For July has meant sharing life with a precious man who builds me up, makes me feel safe, and humbly walks and talks with our Lord. 


Hurray! For things learned in July and the many more experiences, lessons, and shared in life ahead!


The Journey said...

Hooray, such an honest beautiful post. I am so ecstatic God has placed a good man in your life

The Journey said...

Hooray, such an honest beautiful post. I am so ecstatic God has placed a good man in your life

Anonymous said...

Ah, it's been a fine summer! RCS

Brandee Shafer said...

2) I would like to know more about how you met Margaret. (I have them, too: adopted grandparents from a local adult home.) 5) Ok, last year, I managed to get a snake-shaped sunburn down the middle of my right leg, and yep: it lasted allll summer and into the fall. Snake on the leg. Attractive. 7) God bless! Pleased to make your acquaintance via Emily's.