Monday, June 3, 2013

Sacred Moment Monday

Today started off rough.

I kinda knew it might.  It's been a full couple weeks. Great things just many things. And I did not sabbath rest.  So when I found out my landlords needed to do an inspection with an insurance agent on my only morning free this past week, I was not thrilled.

But I guess since I had a spiritual direction client at 11a.m. it was not the end of the world.  Then she cancelled. After that, I wanted nothing more than to spend a lingering morning in my bed. (And now, after Friday's post you know how much I love those. The word covet comes to mind.)

Dear me.

Which leads to my sacred moment.  When I become attached to any one outcome and one way of making my life work, most the time it's a soul caution. As in, life is not that predictable nor meant to be so its time to switch my kingdom mindset.

When I covet or demand an outcome, this is a little flashing radar button that my soul is veering towards the kingdom of me and control and teetering away from the Kingdom of His Son--freedom from circumstance and freedom to be interdependent.

So here was the gift. Do-over Monday!

Yup. Let's pause and start this over again. (This happened around 10:30 after said landlords arrived, I left, and then got text that they were gone sooner than expected).

First confession of my grumperton attitude.

Which led to an acknowledgment of a lot of other feelings.

Then the cry, "Help me do this differently."

Guess where He took me?

Back to the Bible?


A devotional classic?


Back to Mitford.

Yep, I read a couple sections. Something about it took me into the ordinary and everyday of the Episcopal Priest.  It took me out of pious, get to work on me Susie.

I need that.

Then I just gradually started thanking Him. For my landlords, for my home, for this special little room, for this half day...

Then I started a little slideshow of this weekend and my heart warmed looking at the little doodles who bring such fun and color to my days.

So how's your Monday? Remember a do-over or perhaps better said a do-again is always available with Jesus.


Anonymous said...

It was a fun party! The little Orkleberries were in prime form... Mum and I are still recovering... Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

It was a fun party! The little Orkleberries were in prime form... Mum and I are still recovering... Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the party on Sunday too.
What a good thing you can retire to Mitford. Is it a library book or did you purchase the series?
I hope the rest of your week goes well.